About Me

Hello! My name is Austin, and I am a senior at Duke double majoring in neuroscience and evolutionary anthropology! I am also minoring in Global Health.

Here, you will find some of the projects that I've worked on. I am passionate about public health and ensuring healthcare is available to everyone in an equitable way. I am currently interested in attending graduate school (either to obtain my MPH or MD) to pursue my interest in public health research and equity!

Currently, I am completing my senior thesis project in the Scott Huettel Lab. My research revolves around how people make decisions, specifically about food given its impact on the environment. For this study, we are using a previous paradigm with several modifications. Namely, we are tracking subjects' eyes (using an EyeLink) to determine the possible mechanisms at play during their decision-making process. This thesis will culminate in my Graduation with Distinction honor from Duke. For more information regarding this project, go here!


I am also an undergrad research assistant in the Sheng Yang He Molecular Biology Lab, which mainly studies plants and their response to climate change.