My senior research project uses a previous paradigm by Wilcox, Vallen, Block, & Wilcox (2009) but adds additional components. Specifically, instead of indulgent and healthy foods, subjects make decisions based on the environmental impact of the food options. Furthermore, a two-stage choice model is adapted to this study. We also use eye tracking to determine where the subjects look before and during their decision-making process. To analyze the data, I mainly used R to clean large datasets, run advanced regression analyses, and visualize key trends.
This project/thesis has an oral defense component.
During the completion of this project, I completed two summer internships: the Psychology Vertical Integration Program (2023) and the Summer Neuroscience Program (2024). Both of these were funded by the Duke University Department of Psychology & Neuroscience.
Citation: TBD
This project is a component of the Graduation with Distinction process at Duke.